WeRe Going To Be Friends (Hardcover)-Kidding Around NYC


We're Going To Be Friends (Hardcover)

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"Possibly the greatest-ever song about childhood BFFs.” ― Entertainment Weekly
"Were Going to be Friends" is one of The White Stripes most enduring and loved songs. With the help of illustrator Elinor Blake, the perennial favorite feels right at home on the page as a childrens book. Join Suzy Lee as she goes to school with her books and pens, looks for bugs, shows and tells, and finds a friend.

“Jack White has written a perfect story and Elino Blakes art is enchanting. It harkens back to 1940s Golden Books. Read it while listening to either Jack or Elinor sing the story. It’s a sonic/optic treat.” ― John Kricfalusi, creator The Ren and Stimpy Show

"It’s back to school! Walk with Suzy Lee and her new friend. In hues of red, black and white with nods to classic animation and mid-century picture books, Elinor Blake creates an enchanted vision for Jack White’s gentle story of new friendship.”―Nina Crews, author The Neighborhood Mother Goose.

In my favorite picture books text and art feel like they were conceived as one. This book has that quality. The text is the lyrics from the wonderful, now classic song "Were Going To Be Friends" by Jack White. In place of sound and music we have Elinor Blakes pictures. These images surprise and delight and have a genuine and rare timelessness, I can easily visualize this charming creation sitting snug between books by Robert McCloskey and Garth Williams on any bookshelf both past and present. ― Tony Fucile, animator The Lion King, Finding Nemo